Daradjeet Jagpal gives lawyers the low-down on GDPR
As the spectre of GDPR looms, Daradjeet Jagpal, legal consultant and director of Information Law Solutions, asks: is GDPR the Millennium Bug for law firms?’
Thankfully his answer is in the negative. However, he outlines six universally applicable steps for law firms to be ready ahead of 25 May under the following headings: data mapping, data minimisation, data retention, legal basis, data security and training.
Daradjeet writes: “The GDPR is not the new millennium bug for law firms. Solicitors will not wake on 25 May 2018 to find that the world is a changed place and discover that they are hindered in their business because of the GDPR.
“At the same time, however, unlike the notorious millennium bug, the GDPR threat is not an empty one. The GDPR is very much here to stay and it will not go away, even post-Brexit.
“My advice to the profession is this: tackle the GDPR head on, put the necessary compliance measures in place and set a good example for clients, who will undoubtedly be expecting more from their legal advisers than they have hitherto when it comes to data protection.”