Darren Murdoch becomes president of Scottish Law Agents Society

Darren Murdoch has been elected as the new president of the Scottish Law Agents Society.
The society elected Mr Murdoch, of Waddell and Mackintosh, Troon, to the office at its annual general meeting and thanked outgoing president, John Stirling, for his years of service during times made especially challenging by the pandemic.
David MacLennan, Edinburgh, was re-elected as vice president.
Also elected at the meeting were two new Council members, David Leishman of Lockharts, Ayr and Shelley Mathieson of Oraclelaw, Bishopbriggs. Mr Leishman has experience of practice in various firms in Glasgow and the west of Scotland. Ms Mathieson brings the fresh perspective of a second year trainee to the Society’s activities.
Andrew Stevenson remains secretary of SLAS and the Scottish Solicitors’ Benevolent Fund.
Mr Murdoch’s appointment comes at a time when the Legal Regulation (Scotland) Bill presents the whole profession with new opportunities and challenges.
SLAS said: “As well as amendments to the workings of the SLCC – soon to be the more benign sounding Scottish Legal Services Commission – there is the also the constitutional threat that is created by the proposed introduction of powers to enable the government to issue directions to regulators and otherwise to erode the independence of the legal profession. SLAS is not a regulator, and it exists to represent the interests of solicitors across Scotland.
“Without amendment the bill will be a ship that sailed without having on board various measures that SLAS has been proposing for years, such as external scrutiny of the SLCC budget, levying a refundable fee on those who complain to it and introducing the policy of ‘polluter pays’ so that vexatious complainers bear a fair share of the costs that they create.”
SLAS is the oldest national body of solicitors in Scotland. Those wishing to join should contact the secretary at scottishlawagentssociety@gmail.com.