Edinburgh Law School wins global legal consultancy on marine biodiversity

Lecturers at the University of Edinburgh Law School have been awarded a global legal consultancy to provide guidance for the Food And Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).
Dr Elisa Morgera, senior lecturer in global environmental law, and Dr James Harrison, lecturer in international law (pictured), are heading the consultancy project titled Development and application of guidance for the implementation of international legal instruments related to biodiversity conservation in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
The project, which will run until August 2019, is part of a larger project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
The consultancy aims at improving implementation of existing international obligations and good practices from global and regional legal and policy instruments on sustainable fisheries and biodiversity conservation.
Dr Morgera and Dr Harrison will be responsible for identifying constraints to the implementation of legal and policy instruments related to biodiversity conservation in areas beyond national jurisdiction, and the formulation of recommendations to address these challenges through legislative intervention.
Their findings will be distilled into a global implementation guide, which will be further developed into a regional model policy and legal framework and shared through a capacity-building programme.
The pair will continue to contribute after that by revising draft national legislation in selected countries.