Edinburgh Student Law Review launches annual main edition

The Edinburgh Student Law Review (ESLR) has recently celebrated the launch of its annual main edition, as well as a special edition consisting of papers from the Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference 2014.
At the launch party, David Welsh, a senior solicitor at Turcan Connell and tutor on the Diploma in Legal Practice at Edinburgh, announced the winner of the first Turcan Connell Undergraduate Article Competition.
Marcus Gustafsson, an LLB student at Edinburgh Law School, was delighted to receive a £150 prize for his article “Breach of the peace: A ghost of cases past?”
The event was attended by solicitors from Turcan Connell, as well as Law School staff and both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
There were short talks by Lorna MacFarlane, editor in chief, Dr Andrew Steven, the ESLR’s honorary secretary, and Laura Downey of the 2014 Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference Committee.
It was also announced that Alasdair Peterson and Alisdair Macpherson will shortly take over as joint editors in chief.
The ESLR is sponsored by Turcan Connell, Thomson Reuters, DLA Piper LLP, and the University of Edinburgh Law Students’ Council.
Since its inception in 2008, the ESLR has been managed and written entirely by students.
The main and conference editions are now on the ESLR’s website, and will shortly be available on HeinOnline.