Education (Scotland) Bill to be debated at Holyrood today

Angela Constance

The Scottish government’s Education (Scotland) Billis to be debated at Holyrood today

The bill contains provisions placing a duty on local authorities and ministers to prioritise activity aimed at closing the attainment gap.

The bill also legislates for extending the rights of children aged 12 and over with capacity under theAdditional Support for Learning Act 2004 and aims to improve the process, under section 70 of the Education Act 1980 for dealing with complaints about councils failing in their education duties.

Other provisions targeted on enhancing children’s rights, Gaelic education, teacher registration and the creation of a chief education officer post in councils are also included.

Speaking ahead of the stage 3 debate on the bill, education minister Angela Constance said: “The Scottish government is working with local authorities, parents and others to ensure our education system delivers both excellence and equity for every child. All of the measures of this Bill have a role to play in helping to achieve that aspiration.

“We have already taken a series of steps that show how seriously we are taking this, such as the launch of the £100 million Scotland Attainment Challenge, and I am pleased to see our bill reach its final stage in Parliament.

“Our National Improvement Framework will build on a strong record of achievement, with the aim of ensuring we have the right information about children’s progress right across Scotland. The Framework will look at a range of existing and new evidence which will tell us how we are progressing and where support is required for improvement purposes. Parents will have access to more information about their children’s education and progress than ever before, on what they are doing well and where they might need extra help.

“One source of data will be a new standardised assessment, focusing on reading, writing and numeracy. We have no interest in a return to high stakes testing. This new system will help to reduce the burden of assessment, building on best practice and replacing the wide variety of approaches taken by local authorities with a new streamlined, consistent approach. Crucially, the assessments will inform teacher judgment, not replace it.”

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