Edward Kane is back for Christmas!

Edward Kane is back for Christmas!

The Faculty’s very own fictional advocate makes his return this Christmas in The Scotsman in Edward Kane and the Innocent Railway.

Ross Macfarlane QC created the 19th century advocate in 2019 and Kane and his Cockney manservant, Mr Horse, have now featured in regular serials and short stories in the newspaper, leading to the release of the novel Edward Kane and the Parlour Maid Murderer earlier this year.

The latest serial will run on weekdays from today to Christmas Eve. “Part of the fun of setting the stories in Parliament House is that many of the situations are exactly the same today as they were in the 1850s - the wigs, the gowns, the nervous clients and the licking your wounds with chums in the Reading Room over coffee after that day’s mauling in court!” said Mr Macfarlane.

The stories, set in Parliament House and the Advocates Library, are also making waves in America, where the novel was published last month. “Apparently, there’s a terrific appetite for the ‘Masterpiece Theatre’ type of story there, so I’m looking forward to hopping over the pond in the new year to promote the Faculty brand!”

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