Employment Tribunal claims surge following abolition of fees
Single Employment Tribunal claims increased by 165 per cent and overall caseload by 130 per cent between April and June this year while more than £10 million has been paid out in refunds following the abolition of tribunal fees, figures from the Ministry of Justice show.
Single ET claims, disposals and caseload outstanding all increased, by 165 per cent, 56 per cent and 130 per cent respectively, compared to the same period in 2017.
Multiple ET claims more than quadrupled (up 344 per cent) this quarter due to a large multiple airline claim, while disposals fell by 13 per cent, leading to a 34 per cent rise in caseload outstanding.
From the launch of the ET fee refund scheme in October 2017 to 30 June 2018, there were 14,500 applications for refunds received and 12,400 refund payments made, with a total monetary value of £10,615,000.
Between 1 April 2018 and 30 June 2018, 5,100 refund applications were received and 4,700 refund payments were made with a total value of £4,018,300.
Of the applications received between April and June 2018, 82 per cent (4,145 applications) related to cases initially brought forward in England and Wales, up from 75 per cent in the quarter to 31 March 2018.
The remaining 18 per cent of applications received this quarter (908 applications) related to cases initially brought forward in Scotland.