Employment Tribunals head Shona Simon to retire

Shona Simon, President of Employment Tribunals (Scotland), is to retire at the end of April this year.
Ms Simon said that while she had hoped to continue in her post through the process of the devolution of ET functions, “that project has been subject to significant delays” and that it will not occur before 2024.
Ms Simon said her main reason for retiring was so that she could spend more time with her husband.
She added that it had been a “great privilege and an honour” to lead the tribunals over the last 12 years.
“I could not have asked for a more dedicated or expert team of employment judges and non-legal members. I have been blessed too by working with talented and dedicated administrative colleagues who have always done their very best to support the Employment Tribunals in Scotland.”
Ms Simon has held her role since 2009, having previously held the post of vice-president for five years. She has been a salaried employment judge since the start of 2002 and before that was a partner, from 1993, in Mackay Simon, a specialist employment law firm which subsequently merged with Maclay Murray and Spens.
She was an accredited employment law specialist for many years prior to becoming an employment judge and her particular area of expertise was discrimination law. She has been involved in cases at all levels including the first Scottish discrimination case in the employment field to go to the Court of Justice of the European Union.