England: Criminal Bar Association to take industrial action

The Criminal Bar Association has voted to take industrial action in protest at the level of fees paid to them.
About 1,800 criminal barristers voted to work to rule from April 11. This is only the second time the CBA has taken such action.
The CBA said in a statement: “Our members have voted almost unanimously in favour of refusing to accept return work under the AGFS from 11th April unless government agrees to the measures necessary to safeguard the long-term sustainability of the criminal bar and which are therefore essential to preserving a criminal justice system that meets the legitimate demands of the public.”
It added that its members have “sustained a chronically underfunded criminal justice system on behalf of the public while suffering substantial reductions in our real incomes” and that they were “exhausted by the hugely increased demands placed upon us, often for little or no reward”.
The CBA said it would “continue to engage with the Ministry of Justice to seek a fair and reasonable settlement that reflects the demands of our members”.