England: legal aid cuts and court fees prompt spike in demand for free legal advice

The demand for free legal advice has soared in the wake of legal aid cuts and court fees according to a report by a charity that organises pro bono clinics.
LawWorks’ report found a 55 per cent increase in applications in the last financial year. There were over 43,000 inquiries at law firms in the 2014-15 scheme.
Lawyers run pro bono clinics on a voluntary basis. They provide legal advice and, in some cases representation in court to people who do not qualify for legal aid.
Increasingly, these are staffed by law students who undertake research for clients.
Advice is most commonly sought for family, housing and employment law issues.
Martin Barnes, the chief executive of LawWorks, said: “Demand has never been greater: cuts to legal aid, reduced funding for law centres and local advice services, and the introduction of tribunal and court fees have significantly reduced the ability of many to access legal advice and representation.
“Pro bono, while it makes an important and profound contribution to enabling access to justice, is not – and should not be seen as – an alternative to legal aid.”
He added said: “Pro bono works most effectively when it compliments and supports wider legal and advice provision – and is tailored to best meet need. It also needs an infrastructure to flourish and survive, not least local organisations or groups able to facilitate, host or support pro bono volunteers.”
The publication of the report comes as Labour announced it would undertake an inquiry into the provision of legal aid.
Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said he was aware of cases where people fail to qualify for legal aid, telling the Solicitor’s Journal: “I get a number of criminal cases that should get legal aid but don’t.
“And I also get the situation where people are not particularly well off, but because they have a property they are deemed wealthy enough not to qualify for legal aid.”