Event: A conversation about the Edinburgh Conversations

Event: A conversation about the Edinburgh Conversations

Pictured (L-R): Dr Fred Clark Boli and John Sturrock KC

John Sturrock KC will be in conversation with retired colonel, Dr Fred Clark Boli later this month about the remarkable series of meetings which took place in Edinburgh and Moscow at the height of the Cold War in the 1980s involving British, American and Soviet participants.

The Conversations, which took place between 1981 and 1988 under the auspices of the University of Edinburgh, played a significant role in easing tensions between East and West at the time of the Cold War.

Forty years ago, in September 1984, the fourth set of Conversations took place in Moscow. Held alternately in Edinburgh and Moscow, the Conversations brought together senior academics, diplomats and military officials. The key figure was the professor of defence studies at the University of Edinburgh, Professor John Erickson, a leading expert on the Soviet military, who was held in equally high esteem in the Kremlin and in the Pentagon. Another key figure was Michael Westcott, a senior administrator at the university, who acted as secretary to the Conversations and without whose tireless efforts behind the scenes, the Conversations might never have succeeded.

From their personal knowledge, Dr Boli and Mr Sturrock will discuss what happened in the Edinburgh Conversations, how they were conducted and why they were successful. They will contemplate, in the context of the current global situation, what might be done in 2024 to replicate the approach, focusing on the process, personalities and relationships which sustained the initiative and how these same ideas might be applicable today, exploring underlying themes such as hosting, hospitality and humility at times of hostility, distrust and suspicion.

An article about The Edinburgh Conversations was published in The Scotsman earlier this week. Register for tickets here.

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