Event: Alternative route to qualification as a solicitor in Scotland

Event: Alternative route to qualification as a solicitor in Scotland

Are you interested in hearing more about the alternative route to qualification as a solicitor in Scotland?

An event on Wednesday, 5 June at 5.30pm, hosted at Brodies’ Edinburgh office at 58 Morrison Street, will provide information for people considering undertaking the pre-PEAT route or for employers who are wondering about what it might mean for their firm.

Eve Gilchrist, a solicitor at Brodies, said: “I speak to people on a regular basis with queries about the route and hope that this will be a great opportunity to provide some further insight into the benefits of the alternative route! This is not a Law Society of Scotland affiliated event and is simply a chance for those who have done or are doing the exams, or have employed a pre-PEAT trainee, to share their experiences and answer any questions in an informal setting.”

Email Ms Gilchrist (eve.gilchrist@brodies.com) if you would like to attend.

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