Event: Energy Transition – Opportunities and Challenges

Event: Energy Transition – Opportunities and Challenges

Credit: Edinburgh Law School

Edinburgh Law School and Brodies LLP are hosting the Charles Smith Memorial Lecture later this month, which this year takes the form of a discussion panel to mark the 30th anniversary of the Brodies Environmental Law lecture series.

The UK has set ambitious legal targets to reach net zero by mid-century. A key part of its strategy to achieve net zero is a transition away from fossil fuels to alternative sources of energy and the scaling up of technologies for decarbonising homes, power, industry and transport. 

The legal and policy framework for energy consenting and regulation is undergoing a process of significant reform to support this transition as well as to accelerate investment and decision-making related to clean energy development. At the same time, challenges remain for balancing competing objectives and ensuring that decisions are made in a transparent and inclusive manner, whilst taking into account the environmental and social implications of new policy directions. 

The discussion panel of legal and industry experts will explore opportunities and challenges related to the energy transition and how the legal and policy framework should respond.

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