Event: Sir James Munby give a view of family law from south of the border

Tue 20 March 2018


Saint Cecilia’s Hall


EH1 1LLSir James Munby, President of the Family Division and Head of Family Justice, England and Wales.

The Edinburgh Centre for Private Law, in conjunction with SKO Family Law Specialists, is delighted to host this lecture by Sir James Munby entitled “Changing families: family law yesterday, today and tomorrow – a view from south of the Border”.

In his five years as President of the Family Division, Sir James has introduced fundamental changes to practice and procedure in the Division, and had a profound effect on the substantive law, through his judgments - marked by their humanity and empathy.He is due to step down in July this year, so this will be one of his last lectures as President.

This event is free but ticketed: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/changing-families-family-law-yesterday-today-and-tomorrow-a-view-from-south-of-the-border-tickets-42040386929

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