Event: The Assisted Dying (Scotland) Bill - Many Risks, Few Safeguards

Event: The Assisted Dying (Scotland) Bill - Many Risks, Few Safeguards

A discussion on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill featuring two academics will be held in Edinburgh later this month.

The speakers at the SSC Society event will offer insights into core dilemmas in assisted suicide/euthanasia legislation, the challenges that are presented by new legislation in this area and an understanding of how attempts to pick up protocol violations and negative outcomes have operated in countries where assisted suicide or euthanasia has already been decriminalised and the implications for Scottish legal and clinical practice.

Professor June Andrews FRCN LLB is an internationally recognised expert with three decades of experience in supporting families and professionals who care for older frail people especially those with dementia reaching the end of life.

Professor Allan House MRCPsych MRCP DM is emeritus professor of liaison psychiatry and former director of the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences of the University of Leeds and has decades of experience as an NHS consultant and academic with a particular interest in the overlap between physical and mental health.

The talk will last about an hour with the opportunity for questions and a glass of wine afterwards. It is eligible for at least one hour’s CPD.

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