Exploring recent taxation changes: a joint ICAS and Edinburgh Tax Network seminar
The Edinburgh Tax Network and ICAS will host a joint seminar on Thursday 31st May, with support from Terra Firma Chambers. At this event Charlotte Barbour, Director of Tax at ICAS will provide an update on recent tax cases and Derek Francis, of Terra Firma Chambers, will discuss the new Inheritance Tax DOTAS Hallmark.
The event will take place on ICAS, CA House, 21 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh. Registration will commence at 5pm with the seminar scheduled to start at 5.15pm to 7.15pm.
It has been accredited by the Faculty of Advocates as contributing 2 hours’ CPD for its own members and is eligible for a similar award from the Law Society for the solicitor branch of the profession. For full details, please visit www.terrafirmachambers.com/seminars.html
There is no charge for attendance, however booking is necessary - to reserve a space at this event please email seminars@terrafirmachambers.com