Faculty finale at regulatory conference
A major annual regulatory conference will have a Faculty of Advocates finale, with a speech by senior counsel, Andrew Webster QC.
Mr Webster, First Scottish Standing Counsel, is to look at Different Tribunals: Different Challenges: Different Results? in the last talk of the day at the 11th Annual Regulation Conference.
The event, at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Monday, 5 November, is titled, “Professional Regulation: Working Within Regulation Of The Wider Team”.
The conference is recognised as an important date in the calendar for those involved in health and social care professional regulation in the UK.
This year’s other speakers are Jeane Freeman, MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, and Dr Kevin Fong, consultant anaesthetist and emergency medicine doctor. The event will be chaired by Rosemary Agnew, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.
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