Faculty observer at ‘Twelve Apostles’ trial in Colombia
The Faculty of Advocates has provided one of a team of international observers for a case in Colombia, known as the “Twelve Apostles” trial.
Advocate Simon Crabb represented the Faculty’s Human Rights and Rule of Law Committee at the trial of Santiago Uribe Velez, brother of the country’s former president, Alvaro Uribe Velez.
Santiago Uribe Velez is accused of co-founding a paramilitary group called the Twelve Apostles which is alleged to have been behind murders and disappearances in Colombia in the 1990s.
Before joining the Scottish bar in 2017, Mr Crabb worked for four years in Colombia, for Peace Brigades International and Lawyers Without Borders.
He returned to South America after joining an observation mission which was organised by the Colombian Caravana, a UK charity working with Colombian human rights lawyers and human rights defenders to promote access to justice and uphold the rule of law.
The observers spent some days at the trial in Medellin, Colombia, before proceedings were adjourned until April next year.
Mr Crabb said: “The Twelve Apostles case is an emblematic prosecution that is of great interest to the international community. We commend the efforts by the Colombian justice system to investigate allegations of serious human rights violations and we hope that our presence as independent observers contributes towards justice being done.”
Mr Crabb wrote about human rights in Colombia for the Scottish Legal News Annual Review 2018, available here.