Faculty to host Four Jursidictions Conference

Faculty to host Four Jursidictions Conference

The Faculty of Advocates is looking forward to hosting an important event in the calendars of counsel and judges throughout the UK and Ireland.

The Four Jurisdictions Conference is held annually in one of the participating countries, and this year it is once again Scotland’s turn.

Over the weekend of 8 to 10 May, guests from Middle Temple in London, the Bar Council of Ireland and the Bar of Northern Ireland will join members of Faculty and members of the respective judiciaries for a mixture of business and pleasure.

The conference has a theme of “Conflicts and Tensions” and the topics to be debated are: Victim’s Rights v Prosecutor’s Objectivity, Judicial Accountability – Why, How and to Whom v Judicial Independence, Client’s Wishes v Advocate’s Duty, and Public Safety and Security v Fundamental Freedom.

Gordon Jackson, QC, vice-dean of Faculty, who has supervised arrangements for the event, said: “The Four Jurisdictions Conference is unique in that it brings together judges and advocates to discuss and debate a whole range of important topics.

“This year, the 16 speakers include seven senior judges and the leaders of the Bar from all the jurisdictions. I am sure the outcome will be a conference which is both instructive and informative.

“Equally valuable is the opportunity for advocates and judges to meet informally. The result for all of us is a better understanding of how different jurisdictions deal with issues affecting lawyers everywhere. That better equips all of us to deal with problems in our own jurisdiction.”

David Barniville, SC, chairman, Bar Council of Ireland, added: “The conference is a wonderful opportunity for members of the Bar and the Judiciary from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the Middle Temple in London to get together once a year in an informal setting to discuss issues of real importance for the Bar and Bench.

“The range of topics covered at the conference each year is very broad and the discussions are invariably stimulating and thought provoking.

“However, what really makes the Four Jurisdictions Conference a very special event for all concerned is the friendliness and conviviality of the attendees.

“It is a great opportunity for barristers of all ages to mix with their peers from other jurisdictions and with members of the Judiciary. Indeed, it is probably a unique event in that regard. I believe that explains why people return to the conference year after year.”

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