Faculty’s IP Day Conference proving as popular as ever
A week to go, and only a few places remain for the Faculty of Advocates’ 11th World Intellectual Property Day Conference.
The freeevent, from 11:30am to 2pm on Friday, 20 April, has the theme “Powering change: Women in innovation and creativity”.
It will be co-chaired by Roisin Higgins QC, one of the Faculty’s foremost authorities on IP, and Graeme McWilliams, legal counsel, Standard Life Aberdeen.
The speakers are Dr Libby McGugan, who will look at “The Many faces of IP – Experiences from Medical Virtual Reality Technology, Writing and Consultancy”, and Angela Prentner-Smith, founder and Managing Director of This Is Milk, who will take delegates through “IP from the trenches – from branding to launch and some political hot water”.