Families of Iraq soldiers threaten to sue Chilcot over delays

Sir John Chilcot

The families of British soldiers who died fighting in Iraq are warning they may take legal action against the head of the inquiry into the UK’s decision to go to war and its involvement in Iraq until 2009.

Sir John Chilcot has delayed the publication of the report to allow people criticised in it a chance to respond, but lawyers for the families assert he has acted unlawfully by failing to set a deadline for the report’s release.

The inquiry, which consists of a five-member panel, started work in 2009, with final hearings taking place in 2011.

It took evidence from hundreds of witnesses, among them former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

It is expected to cost taxpayers £10 million.

Lawyers for 29 of the families have written to Sir John, asking him to set a deadline for witnesses to respond and to promise he will publish the report by the end of this year – or they will bring a case to the High Court.

One solicitor representing the families, Matthew Jury, said: “This suffering has only been compounded over time.

“They describe it to me as a black cloud hanging over their heads and the only way to disperse that cloud, for them to get some degree of closure, is for this report to be published and for them to finally know the truth.”

Prime Minister David Cameron has said he is “fast losing patience” with the Chilcot inquiry and would like a timetable for publication to be produced.

Sir Jeremy Heywood, head of the civil service, said the inquiry has repeatedly declined offers of additional assistance to help speed up the process.

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