Female firearms officer victimised, tribunal finds

Female firearms officer victimised, tribunal finds

A female firearms officer was victimised by her colleagues in an armed response unit in the east of Scotland, a tribunal has found.

The judgment recognised a sexist culture that resulted in victimisation of former officer, Rhona Malone.

An email, sent by Inspector Keith Warhurst, stated that two female firearms officers should not be deployed when there are sufficient male staff on duty, given the “obvious differences in physical capacity”.

The tribunal found that the instructions were not carried out as they did not represent the views of senior management. As such, the tribunal dismissed the direct discrimination claim.

Inspector Warhurst also posted images of topless women to a WhatsApp group of male sergeants. A colleague told him it was inappropriate.

In another situation, Inspector Warhust was heard calling one of the female Police Investigations and Review Commissioner agents “a wee lassie”.

Ms Malone told BBC Scotland she was “extremely emotional and phenomenally grateful”.

Her solicitor, Margaret Gibbon, described the employment tribunal’s judgement as “damning”.

“The employment tribunal’s findings lay bare the misogynistic attitudes and culture within armed policing and the hostile treatment police officers face when they try to call it out,” she added.

“Of equal concern is the employment tribunal’s findings that it did not consider credible much of the evidence it heard from Police Scotland’s witnesses, including testimony from high-ranking police officers and senior members of staff.

“The serious issues this judgement brings to light need to be urgently addressed by Police Scotland.”

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