Forensic medical services for sexual assault complainers to be improved

Jeane Freeman
Proposals to improve forensic medical services for rape and sexual assault complainers have been launched.
The consultation, which addresses recommendations made by the Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMICS) to strengthen delivery of healthcare and forensic medical services, will seek views from health and justice organisations, medical professionals, the third sector and survivors.
It will also look at provisions for situations where a complainer chooses not to report the crime to police, or is undecided, but wishes to undergo a forensic examination and access healthcare.
Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said: “Improving healthcare services for victims of rape and sexual assault is a priority for the Scottish government and we are committed to ensuring strategic leadership to help deliver that.
“We are clear everyone who needs it should have access to a forensic medical examination, wider healthcare interventions and support, whether or not they have reported the crime.”
Chief Medical Officer Catherine Calderwood said: “The proposals for legislation will provide greater clarity around the statutory responsibility for delivering forensic medical services and will be informed by those with lived experience.
“The launch of this important consultation builds on the work of the Rape and Sexual Assault Taskforce, which was set up to provide more consistent access to services for victims, and the Equally Safe Strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls.”