Former solicitor reflects on prison time in new diaries

Former solicitor reflects on prison time in new diaries

A former solicitor who was jailed for fraud has had his prison diary published as a daily blog, The Herald reports.

Lawrence Rew, 70, was handed a 10-month sentence in 2008 after he took £25,000 from a client’s bank account.

He kept a diary while doing his time at Greenock Prison, noting the details of prison life including the visits from his wife, son and other family members.

The former Barrhead lawyer’s diary is now being published online by the charity Families Outside, which supports families and children whose relatives or loved ones are in jail.

In his account, Mr Rew reflects on prison food and other details, including the fact Adelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, was his neighbour.

However, its main focus is the remorse Mr Rew felt. His wife, Margaret, felt unable to visit him initially as she dealt with the shock and stigma of his conviction.

But there is also humour in the account, Mr Rew explains how a copy of The Herald kept him going and how he avoided the jail barber, who had gained the moniker “Flymo”.

Nancy Loucks, chief executive of Families Outside, said she hoped the blog would help others sympathise with the people affected by imprisonment.

“I think it will be something a wee bit different to help raise awareness of what prison is like for the person inside and for their family outside.”

Read the blog here

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