Free access to court transcripts for rape victims and complainers

Rape victims and complainers are to have free access to court transcripts under a new scheme.
The year-long project, which starts on Friday, will provide access to transcripts that could normally cost thousands of pounds.
People will be able to apply for their transcripts if their case was heard at the High Court from 2007 onwards, which is when digital recording began.
The scheme will apply to all sexual cases and all outcomes. The Scottish government will provide £100,000 in funding to cover fees for accessing transcripts.
Justice secretary, Angela Constance, said: “Victims have said currently the costs of paying for transcripts can be prohibitive.
“Being able to obtain transcripts, where victims can go over exactly what was said in court in their own time, can help their recovery.
“The pilot, along with the proposed reforms in the Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill, are aimed at improving sexual offence victims’ experience of the justice system so they can have confidence in it.”