Free online chatbot successfully challenges 160,000 parking tickets in London and New York

An AI chatbot has successfully challenged 160,000 parking tickets in London and New York.

The brainchild of Joshua Browder, a London-born student at Stanford University, DoNotPay allows users to fight their parking tickets through a simple messaging interface.

The program gathers information from the user through a series of questions before guiding them through the appeals procedure.

In its first 21 months, DoNotPay has won 160,000 of its 250,000 cases – a 64 per cent success rate for over $4 million worth of parking tickets.

Mr Browder told VentureBeat: “I think the people getting parking tickets are the most vulnerable in society. These people aren’t looking to break the law. I think they’re being exploited as a revenue source by the local government.”

The self-taught programmer coded the bot after being handed 30 parking tickets in and around London – the formulaic appeals process was perfect for an AI.

Mr Browder is looking at the possibility of a developer platform that requires no coding knowledge and could lead to the creation of other chatbots who dispense basic legal advice for free.

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