Funding boost for Sir Walter Scott Courthouse
An additional £131,000 has been provided to allow further renovations of the Sir Walter Scott Courthouse to take place.
Built in 1803 as the Sheriff Court, it is where the famed author dispensed justice to the people of Selkirkshire.
The funding was made up of £71,000 from the Selkirk Common Good and £60,000 from Scottish Borders Council.
The initial remit of the project – which is the centre piece of the £1 million Selkirk CARS - focused on the courthouse’s steeple, including repairs to the weather vane, refurbishing the clock faces and repairing as much high level defective stonework as possible within the Selkirk CARS budget.
However, while the renovations were ongoing, it became apparent that further essential stonework repairs were also required to lower sections of the spire.
As a result, additional works will be carried out thanks to the extra funding, with the project expected to now run until August.