Glasgow drug gang jailed for trafficking offences

Glasgow drug gang jailed for trafficking offences

Three members of a serious organised crime gang who trafficked a significant amount of Class A drugs into the Central Belt have been jailed for a total of 13 years and three months.

Paul Martin, 43, who was extradited from Spain to stand trial, Peter Dickson, 34, and Grant Jaap, 30, all pled guilty at a hearing in March to being involved in serious and organised crime between March and June 2020. Jaap also pled guilty to being involved in serious and organised crime on a date in May 2021.

Martin and Dickson were both given serious crime prevention orders (SCPOs) for a period of three years. The orders will come into effect once they are released from prison and are designed to prevent the men from returning to crime.

This prosecution stems from an intelligence led operation by Police Scotland into an organised crime group based in Glasgow and the surrounding areas involved in the supply of diamorphine and cocaine.

The investigation is related to Operation Venetic, a European investigation into encrypted communication devices which used the Encrochat platform.

Sineidin Corrins, deputy procurator fiscal for specialist casework at the Crown Office, said: “This was a coordinated effort to release significant quantities of illegal and harmful drugs throughout the Central Belt of Scotland. With each case of this kind we can help reduce the harm these drugs inflict on our communities.

“Paul Martin, as the principal member of this gang, his second in command, Peter Dickson and Grant Jaap now face lengthy prison sentences as a result of the extensive efforts of officers within Police Scotland and prosecutors at the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

“Prosecutors will continue working with the police and other agencies as a member of Scotland’s Serious and Organised Crime Taskforce to ensure that the activities of serious and organised crime groups are detected and those responsible prosecuted using all measures at our disposal.”

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