Govan Law Centre calls for extension of eviction ban

Govan Law Centre calls for extension of eviction ban

Mike Dailly

Mike Dailly, solicitor advocate at Govan Law Centre, has called on the Scottish government to extend the Covid eviction ban in his latest Glasgow Times column.

Mr Dailly said there is a “common misconception” that eviction protections last until September.

“Protections to 30 September are only for extended eviction notice to leave periods for renters, as well as making certain mandatory grounds of eviction discretionary.”

The eviction ban rules apply to areas in level 3 or 4 lockdown.

Mr Dailly asked “why have we designed a temporary eviction ban with a cliff-edge cut-off point when the public health threats from Covid-19 are fluid and ever changing?”

He added: “Having a cliff-edge end to the temporary eviction ban linked to levels 3 and 4 seems short sighted when the virus is so capricious. Imagine you are evicted from your home on a Friday, then lockdown goes back up to level 3 or 4 on the Monday. Where is the public health protection rationale in that?

“Surely it would be more pragmatic and prudent for the eviction ban to have a run-off period by continuing to protect people in level 2 for a number of weeks to avoid the kind of problem we are seeing in Glasgow. It could be argued the temporary ban should extend to all areas under level 2 lockdown.”

The solicitor advocate said that those subject to an eviction order “may be able to recall the decree from court or recall the order from the First Tier Tribunal”.

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