Hector MacQueen to deliver Juridical Review lecture on Joe Thomson and contract law
Professor Hector MacQueen is to deliver the Juridical Review Lecture next month, entitled “Joe Thomson and Contract Law in Scotland”, reflecting on the influence of the late Professor Joe Thomson.
The lecture will take place in the City Chambers, Edinburgh on Wednesday 14 November at 6pm and will be followed by a wine reception.
Professor Thomson, who passed away in May this year, was one of the leading legal scholars of his generation.
The Scotsman said of him in its obituary: “He inspired hundreds of students with a unique style of lecturing and helped mould the law of the land during his nine-year tenure as a Scottish Law Commissioner. As towering as his academic achievements was the content of his character.
“An utterly classless man, this proud son of Campbeltown affected all he met with his natural grace and charm, which, allied to a turbo-charged joie de vivre, made him compelling company. Those close to him demonstrated an always requited love and devotion.”
The event is free to attend, register here.