Heriot Currie

The Herald has published an obituary of Heriot Currie, who passed away in April at the age of 68.

“A commanding figure in court, he could pick out the salient points in an argument and then comprehensively deliver the highlights to the jury. He had an encyclopaedic knowledge of case law and was a man of total integrity.

“He was widely acknowledged as the major civil litigation lawyer of the last 40 years at the Scottish Bar, and was involved in many leading cases.

“He was junior to Alan Johnston QC (later, Lord Johnston) in the Piper Alpha enquiry and the Piper Alpha Re-insurance Litigation, and was involved in the Lockerbie enquiry and numerous other high-profile cases, as well as the then longest-running case in Scottish law: Santa Fe International versus Napier Shipping, in 2004 in Aberdeen.

“In recent years he represented David Whitehouse in his fight to clear his name after serving as joint administrator of Rangers FC. In a powerful submission Currie told the court “At all stages the police case fails” and concluded persuasively: “If you deprive someone of his liberty unlawfully, that is a civil wrong.”

Read the full article here

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