High Court judge to determine whether Lockerbie appeal may be made

A High Court judge is to be asked whether the families of those killed in the Lockerbie bombing can launch an appeal to get the conviction of Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi overturned.
Mr al-Megrahi was the only person convicted over the bombing of a Pan Am plane that killed 270 people as it flew over the south west coast of Scotland in 1988.
He died in 2012 of prostate cancer after having served nine years in prison.
The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission (SCCR) is to request the court to rule on the question whether the case can be re-investigated on behalf of the families.
The Crown Office will contest the latest application brought by, among others, Dr Jim Swire whose daughter Flora died in the bombing, said to theBBC: “I don’t believe Megrahi was involved in any way. Whether Gaddafi was, I don’t know, but Megrahi clearly wasn’t.
“When I saw him just before he died in Tripoli, he said to me, ‘Doctor, you will go on clearing my name, won’t you?’”
Mr Al-Megrahi was an intelligence officer and head of security for Libyan Arab Airlines.
After being found unanimously guilty he was sentences to life imprisonment before being released on compassionate grounds in 2009 by then justice secretary Kenny MacAskill.
He protested his innocence until his death