Highly commended award for SCTS procurement team

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) procurement team has been highly commended in the ‘Procurement Team of the Year’ category award at this year’s GO Awards Scotland.
The GO Awards celebrate excellence and innovation in all aspects of procurement, recognising outstanding achievement from the public, private and third sectors.
SCTS head of procurement, Derrick Welsh, and the procurement team gathered to watch the awards ceremony last week which took place online.
They were selected as one of the five finalists in the ‘Procurement Team of the Year’ category. They watched the awards in a court room in Parliament House in Edinburgh, while obsercing social distancing rules. The team were elated in being presented with a Highly Commended award.
Mr Welsh, said: “I am absolutely delighted that we have received this award. Having only been at SCTS since June of this year the previous Head of Procurement and director of finance and procurement has to take some of the credit in bringing together such a brilliant and positive team - A brilliant team and well deserved recognition!”
The judging panel felt there should be a highly commended entry in this category as well as an outright winner. They said that the highly commended procurement team have risen to that task and the benefits are now becoming much more evident. This team is already generating significant savings and progressing well in terms of its e-procurement and commercial improvement programme scoring so the judges felt that now is the appropriate time to recognise their successes’.
SCTS chief finance officer, Richard Maconachie said: “I’m absolutely delighted for the team and this well-deserved commendation recognises just how far our procurement function has come in a very short time. Good and effective procurement is vitally important to us not only in securing value for money but also to minimise our risk profile. I’m very proud of our procurement capability and grateful to the team for all the hard work and effort they have put in over the last few years.”
To see the winners, click here.