Historic bill to grant free universal access to period products

Historic bill to grant free universal access to period products

Monica Lennon

Scotland will become the first country in the world to introduce free universal access to period products if a bill by Scottish Labour MSP Monica Lennon passes at Holyrood today.

Ms Lennon said the “world-leading” and “ground-breaking” law would enshrine the dignity of Scots by ensuring no one has to go without essential period products. She introduced her member’s bill in 2019 following years of campaigning and supporters are hopeful it will become law following a final debate and vote in the Scottish Parliament today.

The bill, which would ensure free period products can be accessed by anyone who needs them, including in schools, colleges and universities – has attracted worldwide attention.

Ms Lennon, who is Scottish Labour’s health and social care spokesperson, said she was optimistic that Scotland will finalise the progressive step and that other countries would follow.

She said: “We are in the final miles of a long journey, and I am heartened by the support for the Period Products bill. I am optimistic that we will complete that ground-breaking journey today.

“Scotland will not be the last country to make period poverty history - but it now has a chance to be the first. This law will ensure no one has to go without essential period products.

“Thanks to a bold grassroots campaign and cross-party support, Scotland has already taken great strides to improve access to period products. Legislation is a world-leading opportunity to secure period dignity for all women, girls and people who menstruate.”

Ms Lennon said she introduced her bill to tackle stigma as well as period poverty. Consultation on a draft proposal for the bill took place in 2017 and 96 per cent of respondents expressed support.

She paid tribute to supporters of the campaign saying: “The campaign has been backed by a wide coalition, including trades unions, women’s organisations and charities. Thousands of supporters have played a part, including people who shared their experiences of period poverty, and I am grateful to them all.”

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