Holyrood asks how well freedom of information laws are working

A Holyrood committee is seeking views on the operation of Scotland’s freedom of information legislation.
The Scottish Parliament’s Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee (PAPLS) is undertaking post-legislative scrutiny of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 .
The remit for the committee’s post-legislative scrutiny is to consider whether:
- the policy intentions of the act have been realised and are being delivered; and
- whether any further legislative or non-legislative changes are required to improve the effectiveness of it.
You are invited to submit written views to the PAPLS Committee on the following questions:
- In your view, what effects has the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) had, both positive and negative?
- Have the policy intentions of FOISA been met and are they being delivered? If not, please give reasons for your response.
- Are there any issues in relation to the implementation of and practice in relation to FOISA? If so, how should they be addressed?
- Could the legislation be strengthened or otherwise improved in any way? Please specify why and in what way.
- Are there any other issues you would like to raise in connection with the operation of FOISA?
Please note that it is not necessary to answer every question and you can also provide any other information that you consider to be relevant to the remit.
The deadline for written submissions is 5.00 pm on Friday 10 May 2019.