Home Office has no plans to devolve drugs law to Scotland

Home Office has no plans to devolve drugs law to Scotland

The Home Office has confirmed that it has no plans to devolve drugs legislation to Scotland following an SNP conference decision to back the decriminalisation of cannabis for medicinal use.

A Home Office spokeswoman told The Scotsman: “This Government has no plans to legalise cannabis or devolve drug control.

“It is important that medicines are thoroughly trialled to ensure they meet rigorous standards before being placed on the market.

“There is a clear regime in place, administered by the Medicines and Healthcare Products regulatory agency to enable medicines, including those containing controlled drugs, to be developed.”

At the SNP’s national conference in Glasgow last weekend, delegates gave overwhelming backing to a motion which said drugs legislation - a patchwork of laws including the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 - should be put into Holyrood’s hands and used to ease the prohibition of cannabis.

An SNP spokesperson said: “The SNP conference is the supreme governing body of the party - responsible for deciding policy. The NEC’s role is to ensure that decisions of conference are implemented.”

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