ICCA congress postponed until September 2022

The XXVth Congress of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) in Edinburgh has been postponed by a year and will now be held on 21 September 2022.
While Covid-19 travel and gathering restrictions are slowly easing internationally, ICCA and the Scottish Arbitration Centre (SAC) have concluded that restrictions likely will not have eased sufficiently by September 2021 to allow for an in-person Congress welcoming delegates from around the world.
ICCA president Lucy Reed said: “A strength of the ICCA Congress is that it convenes our far-flung global arbitration community. The new September 2022 dates will let us plan for a truly international Congress.
“ICCA is grateful for the ongoing support, hard work and patience of the SAC, led by Brandon Malone and Andrew Mackenzie, and of the Programme Committee, chaired by Cavinder Bull, Loretta Malintoppi and Constantine Partasides. We look forward to an engaging programme and to spending time with friends old and new when we meet in Edinburgh in September 2022.”
Brandon Malone said: “The move to the new dates will allow us to host the global arbitration community in the manner that we originally envisaged: a celebration of international arbitration in the stunning setting of Scotland’s capital, a gala dinner and ceilidh dance at the National Museum of Scotland, a symposium on international dispute resolution in the home of the Enlightenment.”
Andrew Mackenzie added: “Registered delegates of the Congress will automatically have their registrations and, where relevant, their accommodation transferred to the September 2022 Congress.”