Proposals to improve planning and regulation of processions

Proposals to improve planning and regulation of processions

Siobhian Brown

New proposals to “improve the planning and regulation” of public processions and marches are to be introduced.

An action group set up to consider how to better facilitate processions, has set out six recommendations in a newly published report, which have been accepted by the Scottish government, the local authority group COSLA, and Police Scotland.

The recommendations include:

  • extending a pilot programme – following successful evaluation in April 2024 – to train stewards and marshalls to build their capacity to plan, prepare and manage processions and other forms of public gathering in a safe way
  • developing a minimum standard for information provided on the notification process for processions
  • providing consistent information on local authority websites that ensures transparency and confidentiality
  • statutory organisations, including local authorities, Police Scotland and the Scottish government, to work together so information they provide relating to marches is clear and easy to understand
  • developing or improving training packages for local authority officials and elected members to enable the sharing of good practice to facilitate peaceful public processions and on how to protect human rights
  • consideration of an annual review mechanism that contributes to the sharing of best practice and learning of the management of processions.

Community safety minister Siobhian Brown said: “The Scottish government established the action group to ensure that processions are conducted safely and peacefully across the country. I am grateful to the members of the group for these carefully considered recommendations, which represent the culmination of extensive work by partners.

“The freedom of peaceful assembly is a cornerstone of a democratic society and it is vital that the right training, planning and regulations are in place so processions run smoothly, while ensuring those attending and surrounding communities are kept safe.

“In accepting the recommendations of the action group’s report in full, what is clear is that achieving success must be a joint endeavour. We will work with Police Scotland, COSLA and members of the Group to implement the recommendations as quickly as possible.”

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