International Right to Know Day marked in Scotland

International Right to Know Day marked in Scotland

Scotland’s Public Information Forum will meet today to celebrate International Right to Know Day (IRKD) and discuss how transparency and accountability in the design, delivery and funding of public services makes Scotland fairer and safer.

Civil society instigated this annual day of celebration and scrutiny, which has been supported by UNESCO since 2015. In 2019, UN General Assembly proclaimed 28th September as the annual International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI).

UNESCO’s theme for 2021 is to highlight the role of access to information laws and their implementation to “build back strong institutions for the public good and sustainable development, as well as to strengthen the right to information and international cooperation in the field of implementing this human right”.

Attendees will hear reports from the Scottish Information Commissioner, the Scottish government and civil society. IRKD also sees the launch of the Campaign for Freedom of Information’s drive to progress the Scottish Parliament’s decision of 2018 to extend the number of organisations covered by the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FoISA) and to deliver the legislative reform initiated in 2017 which resulted in a detailed inquiry by the Public Audit and Post legislative Scrutiny Committee. MSPs can ensure delivery of both commitments, concurrently.

Carole Ewart, convener of CFoIS said: “It is essential that Parliament progresses the detail of legal reform so we have updated and robust legislation in place by 2022 which is 20 years since Scotland’s first Freedom of Information Act was approved. Given the dramatic changes in digital communication and diversification in how publicly funded services are delivered, we must ensure enforceable rights and duties deliver the degree of transparency and accountability envisaged by MSPs in 2002.

“Parliament can quickly agree to extend the type of organisations covered by FoI law so there is an enforceable duty to provide information to requestors. The additional designated bodies will be automatically covered when the law is updated.”

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