Iran: Man left speechless following torture to be executed

Iran is to execute a 35-year-old mentally ill man on charges including apostasy and “insulting holy things”.
Javad Rouhi, a law graduate, is accused of burning the Quran as part of the protests triggered by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini.
Mr Rouhi has not been given a lawyer of his choice and also suffers from severe mental illness. He has been tortured so badly that he cannot speak or walk and has become incontinent.
He was sentenced to death on 3 January on three generic charges: waging war against God, corruption on Earth, and apostasy – as well as the specific charge of inciting people to fight and kill each other.
His state-selected lawyer said in court: “Javad had separated from his wife due to mental illness and unemployment; in September, he had gone to Nowshahr to meet his ex-wife and try to bring her back. He didn’t have any money, so he had slept on the street during those few days in Nowshahr before his arrest.”
The Oslo-based Iran Human Rights said: “At least 109 protesters are currently at risk of execution, death penalty charges or sentences. This is a minimum, as most families are under pressure to stay quiet; the real number is believed to be much higher.”