JK Rowling wins right to read court statement about false claims case

JK Rowling has seen “her reputation restored” after her solicitor read out a Daily Mail apology to the author in London’s High Court.

The newspaper, which published a 2013 article making false claims about the author, printed an apology and paid damages in May 2014, but challenged Rowling’s right to make a court statement about the case.

The Court of Appeal ruled last week that the statement could be made.

The statement read to the court included, in full, the apology printed by the Daily Mail last year, in which the newspaper announced it had “agreed to pay substantial damages to Ms Rowling, which she is donating to charity, and a contribution to her legal costs”.

Solicitor Keith Schilling made the statement on Ms Rowling’s behalf, bringing the successful libel case - brought in December 2013 - to a close.

He said: “In these circumstances and this statement having been read out in Court, the Claimant now considers that she has been fully vindicated, her reputation has been restored and accordingly is happy to bring these proceedings to a close.”

Justice Warby QC agreed they should be ended and “the record withdrawn”.

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