Jo Farrell named new chief constable of Police Scotland

Jo Farrell
The Scottish Police Authority has announced that Jo Farrell will be Police Scotland’s next chief constable following Sir Iain Livingstone QPM’s decision to retire this August.
She has been chief constable of Durham Constabulary since 2019 having been deputy at Durham since 2016 and having served in Northumbria Police since 2002.
Chief Constable Farrell joined policing as constable in Cambridge in 1991 after a degree in business at Sheffield Polytechnic.
She said: “This really is a day of mixed emotions. I am immensely proud to have served as chief constable of Durham and equally proud of everything the force has achieved over that time.
“Over the last six years, I have worked with some extraordinarily talented and committed people, dedicated to keeping County Durham and Darlington safe, and it has been a very difficult decision to leave.
“But as chief constable of Police Scotland I have been offered a unique opportunity to take on one of the most exciting and challenging jobs in UK policing.”
Martyn Evans, chair of the Authority and the selection panel who interviewed candidates for the role, said: “Jo is an outstanding and highly experienced senior police leader who has made an exceptional contribution to policing over her extensive career.
“With a proven history of innovative policing, Ms Farrell has led Durham Constabulary for the last 4-years where it was graded as ‘outstanding’ for its disruption of organised crime and how it achieves value for money. She also has UK-wide experience heading the demanding Digital Data and Technology portfolio for the National Police Chiefs’ Council.”
Sir Iain said: “I congratulate Jo Farrell and look forward to working with her to ensure an effective handover that will maintain stability in Police Scotland.
“Leading our outstanding officers and staff as Scotland’s chief constable is an enormous privilege. I have great confidence Jo will continue to develop our service to protect and serve our fellow citizens.”