John Scott QC to lead discussion on Scotland’s biometrics regime
The Scottish government’s proposed Biometric Data Bill will be the subject of a discussion led by John Scott QC next week in Edinburgh.
The government has said that the biometrics field is evolving rapidly and offers great potential in the identification and prevention of crime and the delivery of community safety.
The Open Rights Group (ORG) is hosting the discussion at which Mr Scott, the author of the Independent Advisory Group report on the use of biometrics in Scotland, will discuss what he has learned as a result of the report, his attitude towards biometrics in the criminal justice space, and what the future may hold.
Proposals to establish a biometrics commissioner are currently out for consultation – Scotland is the only nation in the UK missing an independent body to oversee biometric techniques.
The event will take place on Monday September 24, 2018, from 6:30pm at The Melting Pot, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh and is free to attend.