Julian Ghosh KC joins Ampersand Advocates

Julian Ghosh KC joins Ampersand Advocates

Julian Ghosh KC

Ampersand Advocates has announced the addition of Julian Ghosh KC to its ranks.

Mr Ghosh is a highly respected advocate and barrister, known for his knowledge across multiple areas of law. His expertise encompasses corporate work, European taxation issues, judicial review, and administrative law.

He is co-authoring the upcoming edition of Wade & Forsyth, a seminal textbook on judicial review, and teaches administrative law at the University of Cambridge.

As King’s Counsel at the Scottish bar and bar of England and Wales, and a member of the Bar of Ireland, he brings a wealth of experience to Ampersand Advocates. He also serves as a part-time judge of the First-Tier and deputy judge of the Upper-Tier Tax Tribunals.

In addition to his legal practice, he holds several academic positions, including senior fellow at the International Tax Centre, Leiden; Bye-fellow at Peterhouse, Cambridge; and visiting professor at King’s College London, where he teaches the law of personal taxation.

Alan Moffat, practice manager at Ampersand Advocates, said: “We are delighted to welcome Julian to the stable. Julian is a leading silk in tax, commercial and public law. He is a strong addition to the stable and we look forward to working with him as he establishes a greater presence in Scotland.”

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