Just Employment Law raises incredible £92,200 for Pancreatic Cancer Scotland

Following a year of fundraising, including a summer ball and a 4 million step challenge in November, Just Employment Law was delighted to hand over a cheque for £92,220 to its charity of the year for 2019 – Pancreatic Cancer Scotland.
Just Employment Law’s managing director, David McRae, said: “We are delighted to end the year by handing over a cheque for £92,220 to Pancreatic Cancer Scotland as a result of our fundraising efforts during 2019.
“It was a team effort by all at Just Employment Law. PCS is a very worthy charity and one we’re proud to support and partner with.”
A growing charity with a small team of dedicated and passionate individuals, PCS is committed to raising awareness, improving education, healthcare and research, with a mission to ensure that individuals and families affected by pancreatic cancer and associated tumours have access to support, information and care.
For further information about PCS please visit www.pancanscot.org