Ken Waddell

Ken Waddell
Well-known Glasgow solicitor Ken Waddell passed away on 4 April at the age of 63.
Mr Waddell was latterly a consultant in Drummond Miller LLP Incorporating Peacock Johnston and was one of the most widely respected court practitioners in Glasgow, with extensive experience both in civil and criminal law.
He was a late entrant to the legal profession, with a diverse background of previous employment ranging from farm work, delivering fruit and vegetables to working in a roads testing laboratory. This background and rich life experience served him well throughout his subsequent legal career.
Mr Waddell graduated from Strathclyde University in 1993, completing the diploma in legal practice the following year. He trained at MacMillans in Glasgow with the authoritative, late, William J Stewart, before joining Peacock Johnston in Glasgow in 1997, initially as an assistant to the well known all-round court practitioner Jim Peacock.
He remained at Peacock Johnston, becoming a partner in 2003. While at Peacock Johnston he continued the tradition of Jim Peacock by carving out his own reputation as a formidable but widely respected all-round court practitioner – as much at ease in a civil court as a criminal court.
As a court practitioner in an age of ever increasing specialisation of practitioners, Mr Waddell was increasingly unusual in that his practice encompassed family law, employment law, criminal law, building contract disputes and general civil litigation.
He also served the profession for many years and in 2011 served as president of the Glasgow Bar Association, and many of his colleagues throughout the profession benefitted from his wise, incisive and practical advice.
His funeral will take place at Linn Crematorium, Glasgow, on 27 April at 3pm to which all are welcome.