Kenneth Mure QC

A full obituary of Kenneth Mure QC, who passed away at the age of 69 on November 18, 2016, has been published by The Herald.

Mr Mure became known to the public as the judge in the Rangers tax case. He joined the Faculty of Advocates in 1975 and took silk in 1989.

Nicole Pirie, a neighbour and friend of Mr Mure, told the paper: “Kenneth was quiet, kind, unassuming, very clever, always with time to give advice to anyone who needed it. He was an excellent friend and neighbour. He loved model railways and collected trains and track with a view to setting this up following his proposed retirement in April of next year.”

He died peacefully at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow with no immediate survivors. Following a funeral service in Glasgow he was interred at Kirkapol Cemetery on the Isle of Tiree, where he had been a stalwart of the community his whole life.

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