Kilmarnock Sheriff Court lockdown prompted by Covid-positive solicitor

Kilmarnock Sheriff Court lockdown prompted by Covid-positive solicitor

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Kilmarnock Sheriff Court went into lockdown last week after a lawyer received a positive Covid test.

Defence lawyer Graeme Cunningham, 57, was representing a number of clients at the court on Thursday, the Daily Record reports.

Within an hour of leaving the building, he told staff he had confirmation that he had Covid. He had not, at that point, been required to self-isolate.

A deep clean of the courtroom had to be undertaken while remaining cases were moved to elsewhere in the building.

Court employees, other lawyers and the sheriff who had been in the courtroom were said to be anxious about continuing with the remaining cases when informed of the situation.

A spokesperson for the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service said: “We stress to everyone who may attend our court buildings who have, or are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 not to enter our buildings.

“Following confirmation that someone who was present at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court has tested positive for Covid, our normal protocol was swiftly implemented to maintain a safe environment and protect others within the building.

“Business was transferred and completed in another courtroom and no business had to be cancelled or continued administratively as a result of this notification.”

Mr Cunningham said: “For the avoidance of doubt the Covid test in question was a day two return from abroad test. That test is compulsory by law. You are not required to self-isolate while awaiting the result.

“It was not a test where I had been tested due to displaying symptoms nor as a close contact to someone who had tested positive.

“As soon as I received the email from Randox health advising of the positive result, after I had left court, I advised the court of the result in order that those who may have had close contact with me could take any action that they felt appropriate.

“I understand the action taken by the court was taken at the behest of the presiding sheriff.”

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