KLTR welcomes publication of Treasure Trove Review

The King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer (KLTR), the Crown’s representative responsible for ownerless property in Scotland, has welcomed today’s publication of the findings of the Treasure Trove Review launched last year.
The review’s report makes detailed recommendations for the future of treasure trove, the system which deals with archaeological finds in Scotland by recording them and making them available for acquisition by museums.
Following a programme of engagement with organisations and individuals involved with the system, and a 12-week public consultation held in Spring, the review endorses “the core principles and characteristics” of treasure trove in Scotland.
Stuart Allan, chair of the Treasure Trove review, said: “The overarching picture to emerge from the review was that, broadly speaking, respondents want the existing system to work better.
“While changes are needed, there is no shortage of goodwill for the objectives of treasure trove. The review team has been impressed by the positive engagement we have received from all parties, and that spirit of collaboration will be key to helping the system move forward.”
According to the review, that means an overhaul of how treasure trove is led and funded, with recommendations for future investment in people and technology. This will allow the system to keep pace with the numbers of finds being made, which are far greater today than when current treasure trove processes were designed.
It also demands a change in culture, where treasure trove is recognised as a key partner in the Scottish heritage sector, and where all those involved – from museums to metal detectorists – are acknowledged for their participation and contribution to Scotland’s heritage.
Alongside these key areas are detailed recommendations intended to help the processes of reporting, claiming and allocating finds work better and faster, to extend the reach of treasure trove staff based in Edinburgh more widely across the country, to clarify areas of policy and to bolster collaboration between the multiple organisations that contribute to the treasure trove system.
John Logue, King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer, said: “The review offers us a detailed manifesto for the future of treasure trove in Scotland which could not have been drawn up without hearing the views of so many participants.
“I greatly appreciate everyone’s willingness to put forward their views and ideas, all of which have been taken into account. We look forward to considering the recommendations of the review in detail and drawing up a plan for treasure trove in the years ahead.”