Knife thug attempted to murder Glasgow lawyer in office

Knife thug attempted to murder Glasgow lawyer in office

A man attempted to murder his lawyer by stabbing him in the chest at a solicitor’s office in Glasgow.

Esaya Neguse, 37, stabbed Muhammad Shoaib, 71, of MS Solicitors, at his office in Glasgow’s Southside on 21 September 2022.

His attempt to kill the elderly lawyer was thwarted, however, after he was tackled by two of Mr Shoaib’s colleagues.

The attacker pleaded guilty to the charge of attempted murder and will be sentenced next month.

The court was told he appeared at the lawyer’s office in Victoria Road unannounced. Mr Shoaib agreed to see him. Neguse asked him: “Muhammad, are you ok?” He then pulled a kitchen knife from his pocket.

Mr Shoaib told jurors: “He started attacking towards my neck, then for a second time on my chest. I had to put my hand out to stop him.”

He added: “The blood was coming out my chest. It was like a shower of blood.”

He screamed for help and another lawyer and legal secretary managed to get Neguse out of the room and out on to the street where they attracted the attention of passing police. Mr Shoaib was then able to call 999.

Neguse, from Eritrea, already had a number of convictions and pleaded guilty to five other charges: assaulting Mr Shoaib’s colleagues, having a knife in a public place, behaving in a threatening manner and also spitting on a police officer.

Lord Colbeck deferred sentencing for reports.

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